Ensure that the response body adheres to the schema defined in the Implementation Guide (IG) for the API endpoint.

Status : passed

Start Time : 15-12-2024 08:45:11

End Time : 15-12-2024 08:45:13

Duration : 1.50 seconds

Title : Ensure that the response body adheres to the schema defined in the Implementation Guide (IG) for the API endpoint.

Created By : arun-ramanan@netspective.in

Created At : 2024-12-15

Priority : High


This test verifies that the JSON response from the API matches the schema requirements outlined in the IG. Any deviations from the schema should be identified and flagged as errors.


  • API endpoint is accessible and operational.
  • The expected response schema is defined in the IG.
  • A tool or script for schema validation (e.g., Postman, JSON Schema Validator) is available.

Test Steps:

  1. Step 1: Send a request (GET/POST/PUT depending on the API) to the target endpoint.
  2. Step 2: Capture the JSON response from the API.
  3. Step 3: Compare the response body against the schema defined in the IG using a schema validation tool.
  4. Step 4: Verify that all required fields are present and adhere to the expected data types and formats.

Expected Result:

  • The response body conforms to the schema specified in the IG, including:
    • Required fields are present.
    • Data types and formats match schema definitions.
    • No additional or unexpected fields are included unless allowed by the schema.

Actual Result

Capture the JSON response from the API. passed 15-12-2024 08:45:13 15-12-2024 08:45:13
Compare the response body against the schema defined in the IG using a schema validation tool. passed 15-12-2024 08:45:13 15-12-2024 08:45:13
Verify that all required fields are present and adhere to the expected data types and formats. passed 15-12-2024 08:45:13 15-12-2024 08:45:13
Send a request (GET/POST/PUT depending on the API) to the target endpoint. passed 15-12-2024 08:45:11 15-12-2024 08:45:13