Verify Endurance Test Response for a Specified Test Duration.

Title : Verify Endurance Test Response for a Specified Test Duration.

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Created At : 2024-12-15

Priority : High


The endurance test will validate the system's reliability, stability, and ability to handle prolonged usage without performance degradation, memory leaks, or resource exhaustion.


  • The server is online and reachable.
  • API endpoint is accessible and configured in the test environment.
  • Necessary performance testing tools are installed and configured.

Test Steps:

  1. Step 1: Set up the performance test environment, ensuring all test prerequisites are met (e.g., hardware and software configurations).
  2. Step 2: Configure the endurance test in the Jmeter performance testing tool and Specify the test duration (e.g., 8 hours)also set the expected load (e.g., number of concurrent users, transactions per second).
  3. Step 3: Start the endurance test and monitor the system’s behavior throughout the specified duration and Capture and analyze key performance metrics, such as response time, throughput, memory usage, CPU utilization, and error rates.
  4. Step 4: Compare the observed results with expected thresholds for response times and other performance metrics.

Expected Result:

  • The system should maintain consistent response times within acceptable thresholds throughout the test duration.
  • No significant increase in error rates, memory leaks, or resource utilization (e.g., CPU, disk, and memory).
  • All transactions should be successfully completed without degradation in service quality.