Verify that the API responds with a throughput of less than 10 seconds per transaction under defined load conditions.

Title : Verify that the API responds with a throughput of less than 10 seconds per transaction under defined load conditions.

Created By :

Created At : 2024-12-15

Priority : High


This test measures the time taken by the API to process and respond to a transaction. The goal is to ensure the API meets performance standards by maintaining a response time of less than 10 seconds for each transaction under specified load scenarios.


  • The server is online and reachable.
  • API endpoint is accessible and configured in the test environment.
  • Necessary performance testing tools are installed and configured.

Test Steps:

  1. Step 1: Send a request to the API endpoint.
  2. Step 2: Verify the Record the response time for each transaction during the test execution and analyze the test results to calculate the average, median, and 95th percentile response times.

Expected Result:

  • The API responds to each transaction with a throughput of less than 10 seconds under the defined load conditions.