SELECT 'dynamic' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql('shell/shell.sql') AS properties;
-- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation
-- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation
'breadcrumb' as component;
'Home' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/' as link;
'Test Management System' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/qltyfolio/index.sql' as link;
'Test Cases' as title;
SELECT 'html' as component,
tr td.Status {
color: blue !important; /* Default to blue */
tr.rowClass-passed td.Status {
color: green !important; /* Default to red */
tr.rowClass-failed td.Status {
color: red !important; /* Default to red */
.btn-list {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
' as html;
'button' as component;
'Generate Report' as title,
'download-full_list.sql' as link;
SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_cases );
SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50);
SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0);
SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit;
SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1;
SELECT 'table' as component,
TRUE AS sort,
--TRUE AS search,
'URL' AS align_left,
'title' AS align_left,
'group' as markdown,
'id' as markdown,
"status_new" as markdown,
'count' as markdown;
'[' || test_case_id || '](' || sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/qltyfolio/test-detail.sql?tab=actual-result&id='|| test_case_id || ')' as id,
test_case_title AS "title",
group_name AS "group",
case when test_status is not null then test_status
else 'TODO' END AS "Status",
'rowClass-'||test_status as _sqlpage_css_class,
created_by as "Created By",
formatted_test_case_created_at as "Created On",
priority as "Priority"
FROM test_cases t
LIMIT $limit
OFFSET $offset;
SELECT 'text' AS component,
(SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN '[Previous](?limit=' || $limit || '&offset=' || ($offset - $limit) || ')' ELSE '' END) || ' ' ||
'(Page ' || $current_page || ' of ' || $total_pages || ") " ||
(SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN '[Next](?limit=' || $limit || '&offset=' || ($offset + $limit) || ')' ELSE '' END)
AS contents_md;