code_notebook_cell_latest (view) Content

01JF7M8X5VBRPFJD14R1YXMAP3 Documentation rssd-init Boostrap SQL -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.bootstrapDDL` (file:///home/baasit/ INSERT INTO "session_state_ephemeral" ("key", "value") VALUES ('current_user', 'baasit') ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET value = excluded.value; INSERT INTO "session_state_ephemeral" ("key", "value") VALUES ('current_user_name', 'UNKNOWN') ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET value = excluded.value; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "assurance_schema" ( "assurance_schema_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "assurance_type" TEXT NOT NULL, "code" TEXT NOT NULL, "code_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(code_json) OR code_json IS NULL), "governance" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(governance) OR governance IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_kernel" ( "code_notebook_kernel_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "kernel_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "description" TEXT, "mime_type" TEXT, "file_extn" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "governance" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(governance) OR governance IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("kernel_name") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_cell" ( "code_notebook_cell_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "notebook_kernel_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "notebook_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "cell_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "cell_governance" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(cell_governance) OR cell_governance IS NULL), "interpretable_code" TEXT NOT NULL, "interpretable_code_hash" TEXT NOT NULL, "description" TEXT, "arguments" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(arguments) OR arguments IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("notebook_kernel_id") REFERENCES "code_notebook_kernel"("code_notebook_kernel_id"), UNIQUE("notebook_name", "cell_name", "interpretable_code_hash") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_state" ( "code_notebook_state_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code_notebook_cell_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "from_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "to_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "transition_result" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(transition_result) OR transition_result IS NULL), "transition_reason" TEXT, "transitioned_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("code_notebook_cell_id") REFERENCES "code_notebook_cell"("code_notebook_cell_id"), UNIQUE("code_notebook_cell_id", "from_state", "to_state") ); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_versions"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_versions" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells and how many different versions of each cell are available SELECT notebook_name, notebook_kernel_id, cell_name, COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY notebook_name, cell_name) AS versions, code_notebook_cell_id FROM code_notebook_cell ORDER BY notebook_name, cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_latest"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_latest" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- Retrieve the latest version of each code_notebook_cell. -- Notebooks can have multiple versions of cells, where the interpretable_code and other metadata may be updated over time. -- The latest record is determined by the most recent COALESCE(updated_at, created_at) timestamp. SELECT c.code_notebook_cell_id, -- Selects the unique ID of the notebook cell c.notebook_kernel_id, -- References the kernel associated with this cell c.notebook_name, -- The name of the notebook containing this cell c.cell_name, -- The name of the cell within the notebook c.interpretable_code, -- The latest interpretable code associated with the cell c.interpretable_code_hash, -- Hash of the latest interpretable code c.description, -- Description of the cell's purpose or content c.cell_governance, -- Governance details for the cell (if any) c.arguments, -- Arguments or parameters related to the cell's execution c.activity_log, -- Log of activities related to this cell COALESCE(c.updated_at, c.created_at) AS version_timestamp -- The latest timestamp (updated or created) FROM ( SELECT code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_kernel_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description, cell_governance, arguments, activity_log, updated_at, created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY code_notebook_cell_id ORDER BY COALESCE(updated_at, created_at) DESC -- Orders by the latest timestamp ) AS rn FROM code_notebook_cell ) c WHERE c.rn = 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_version"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_version" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells that are candidates for migration (including duplicates) SELECT c.code_notebook_cell_id, c.notebook_name, c.cell_name, c.interpretable_code, c.interpretable_code_hash, CASE WHEN c.cell_name LIKE '%_once_%' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END AS is_idempotent, COALESCE(c.updated_at, c.created_at) version_timestamp FROM code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = 'ConstructionSqlNotebook' ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells that are candidates for migration (latest only) SELECT c.*, CASE WHEN c.cell_name LIKE '%_once_%' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END AS is_idempotent FROM code_notebook_cell_latest c WHERE c.notebook_name = 'ConstructionSqlNotebook' ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_state"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_state" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells that are candidates for migration (latest only) SELECT c.*, -- All columns from the code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable view s.from_state, -- The state the cell transitioned from s.to_state, -- The state the cell transitioned to s.transition_reason, -- The reason for the state transition s.transition_result, -- The result of the state transition s.transitioned_at -- The timestamp of the state transition FROM code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable c JOIN code_notebook_state s ON c.code_notebook_cell_id = s.code_notebook_cell_id ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_not_executed"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_not_executed" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All latest migratable cells that have not yet been "executed" (based on the code_notebook_state table) SELECT c.* FROM code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable c LEFT JOIN code_notebook_state s ON c.code_notebook_cell_id = s.code_notebook_cell_id AND s.to_state = 'EXECUTED' WHERE s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NULL ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_migration_sql"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_migration_sql" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- Creates a dynamic migration script by concatenating all interpretable_code for cells that should be migrated. -- Excludes cells with names containing '_once_' if they have already been executed. -- Includes comments before each block and special comments for excluded cells. -- Wraps everything in a single transaction SELECT 'BEGIN TRANSACTION; '|| 'CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "session_state_ephemeral" ( "key" TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL ); ' || GROUP_CONCAT( CASE -- Case 1: Non-idempotent and already executed WHEN c.is_idempotent = FALSE AND s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NOT NULL THEN '-- ' || c.notebook_name || '.' || c.cell_name || ' not included because it is non-idempotent and was already executed on ' || s.transitioned_at || ' ' -- Case 2: Idempotent and not yet executed, idempotent and being reapplied, or non-idempotent and being run for the first time ELSE '-- ' || c.notebook_name || '.' || c.cell_name || ' ' || CASE -- First execution (non-idempotent or idempotent) WHEN s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NULL THEN '-- Executing for the first time. ' -- Reapplying execution (idempotent) ELSE '-- Reapplying execution. Last executed on ' || s.transitioned_at || ' ' END || c.interpretable_code || ' ' || 'INSERT INTO code_notebook_state (code_notebook_state_id, code_notebook_cell_id, from_state, to_state, transition_reason, created_at) ' || 'VALUES (' || '''' || c.code_notebook_cell_id || '__' || strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', 'now') || '''' || ', ' || '''' || c.code_notebook_cell_id || '''' || ', ' || '''MIGRATION_CANDIDATE''' || ', ' || '''EXECUTED''' || ', ' || CASE WHEN s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NULL THEN '''Migration''' ELSE '''Reapplication''' END || ', ' || 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' || ')' || ' ' || 'ON CONFLICT(code_notebook_cell_id, from_state, to_state) DO UPDATE SET updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' || 'transition_reason = ''Reapplied ' || datetime('now', 'localtime') || ''';' || ' ' END, ' ' ) || ' COMMIT;' AS migration_sql FROM code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable c LEFT JOIN code_notebook_state s ON c.code_notebook_cell_id = s.code_notebook_cell_id AND s.to_state = 'EXECUTED' ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "plm_graph"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "plm_graph" AS SELECT ure.graph_name, ure.nature, ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.uri, ur_ingest_plm.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id, ur_ingest_plm.issue_id, ur_ingest_plm.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id as project_id, ur_ingest_plm.title, ur_ingest_plm.body FROM uniform_resource_edge ure JOIN uniform_resource ur ON ure.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue ur_ingest_plm ON ure.node_id = ur_ingest_plm.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id WHERE ure.graph_name = 'plm'; ; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "imap_graph"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "imap_graph" AS SELECT ure.graph_name, ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, ur.uri, ur.content, ur_ingest_imap.ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message_id, ur_ingest_imap.ingest_imap_acct_folder_id, ur_ingest_imap.message_id FROM uniform_resource_edge ure JOIN uniform_resource ur ON ure.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message ur_ingest_imap ON ure.node_id = ur_ingest_imap.ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message_id WHERE ure.graph_name = 'imap'; ; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "filesystem_graph"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "filesystem_graph" AS SELECT ure.graph_name, ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, ur.uri, ur_ingest_fs_path.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id, ur_ingest_fs_path.root_path FROM uniform_resource_edge ure JOIN uniform_resource ur ON ure.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path ur_ingest_fs_path ON ure.node_id = ur_ingest_fs_path.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id WHERE ure.graph_name = 'filesystem'; ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS surveilr_function_doc; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS surveilr_function_doc ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT, parameters JSON, return_type TEXT, version TEXT ); INSERT INTO surveilr_function_doc (name, description, parameters, return_type, version) SELECT name, description, parameters, return_type, version FROM surveilr_function_docs(); ; 6add3527172c529450fcb6b25c8cd1db80764848 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X63FMTAFC72VDFC9PSX SQL ConstructionSqlNotebook session_ephemeral_table CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "session_state_ephemeral" ( "key" TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL ); b739acd000cf37091bbb365085506f975345351d 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X63KMTN1BQPMAW5Y199 SQL ConstructionSqlNotebook v001_seedDML INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('ignore .git and node_modules paths', 'default', '/(\.git|node_modules)/', 'IGNORE_RESOURCE', NULL, NULL, 'Ignore any entry with `/.git/` or `/node_modules/` in the path.', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('typical ingestion extensions', 'default', '\.(?P<nature>md|mdx|html|json|jsonc|puml|txt|toml|yml|xml|tap|csv|tsv|ssv|psv|tm7|pdf|docx|doc|pptx|ppt|xlsx|xls)$', 'CONTENT_ACQUIRABLE', '?P<nature>', NULL, 'Ingest the content for md, mdx, html, json, jsonc, puml, txt, toml, and yml extensions. Assume the nature is the same as the extension.', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-[NATURE] style capturable executable', 'default', 'surveilr\[(?P<nature>[^\]]*)\]', 'CAPTURABLE_EXECUTABLE', '?P<nature>', NULL, 'Any entry with `surveilr-[XYZ]` in the path will be treated as a capturable executable extracting `XYZ` as the nature', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-SQL capturable executable', 'default', 'surveilr-SQL', 'CAPTURABLE_EXECUTABLE | CAPTURABLE_SQL', NULL, NULL, 'Any entry with surveilr-SQL in the path will be treated as a capturable SQL executable and allow execution of the SQL', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "replace", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('.plantuml -> .puml', 'default', '(\.plantuml)$', '.puml', NULL, 'Treat .plantuml as .puml files', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "replace", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('.text -> .txt', 'default', '(\.text)$', '.txt', NULL, 'Treat .text as .txt files', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "replace", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('.yaml -> .yml', 'default', '(\.yaml)$', '.yml', NULL, 'Treat .yaml as .yml files', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "party_type" ("party_type_id", "code", "value", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ((ulid()), 'ORGANIZATION', 'Organization', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "party_type" ("party_type_id", "code", "value", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ((ulid()), 'PERSON', 'Person', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "orchestration_nature" ("orchestration_nature_id", "nature", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-transform-csv', 'Transform CSV', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "orchestration_nature" ("orchestration_nature_id", "nature", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-transform-xml', 'Transform XML', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "orchestration_nature" ("orchestration_nature_id", "nature", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-transform-html', 'Transform HTML', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "uniform_resource_graph" ("name", "elaboration") VALUES ('filesystem', '{}') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "uniform_resource_graph" ("name", "elaboration") VALUES ('imap', '{}') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "uniform_resource_graph" ("name", "elaboration") VALUES ('plm', '{}') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; 7d8f175c6d1e0dd76fb695437d35d4e49e1101b8 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X63M8Z655RJYNW50XFD SQL ConstructionSqlNotebook v001_once_initialDDL -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.v001_once_initialDDL` (file:///home/baasit/ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party_type" ( "party_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party" ( "party_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "party_type_id" ULID NOT NULL, "party_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("party_type_id") REFERENCES "party_type"("party_type_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party_relation_type" ( "party_relation_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party_relation" ( "party_relation_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "party_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "related_party_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "relation_type_id" ULID NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("party_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), FOREIGN KEY("related_party_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), FOREIGN KEY("relation_type_id") REFERENCES "party_relation_type"("party_relation_type_id"), UNIQUE("party_id", "related_party_id", "relation_type_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "gender_type" ( "gender_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sex_type" ( "sex_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "person_type" ( "person_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); 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CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship" ( "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_related" TEXT NOT NULL, "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_prime" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_related" TEXT NOT NULL, "relationship" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id"), FOREIGN KEY("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_prime") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_plm_user" ( "ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "user_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "login" TEXT NOT NULL, "email" TEXT, "name" TEXT, "url" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("user_id", "login") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_plm_comment" ( "ur_ingest_session_plm_comment_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "comment_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "node_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "url" TEXT NOT NULL, "body" TEXT, "body_text" TEXT, "body_html" TEXT, "user" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id"), FOREIGN KEY("user") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session_plm_user"("ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id"), UNIQUE("comment_id", "url", "body") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction" ( "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "reaction_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "reaction_type" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("reaction_type") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction" ( "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "ur_ingest_plm_reaction_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "ur_ingest_plm_issue_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "count" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("ur_ingest_plm_reaction_id") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction"("ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id"), FOREIGN KEY("ur_ingest_plm_issue_id") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id"), UNIQUE("ur_ingest_plm_issue_id", "ur_ingest_plm_reaction_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type" ( "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "avatar_id" TEXT, "description" TEXT NOT NULL, "icon_url" TEXT NOT NULL, "id" TEXT NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "subtask" BOOLEAN NOT NULL, "url" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("id", "name") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_attachment" ( "ur_ingest_session_attachment_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "uniform_resource_id" VARCHAR, "name" TEXT, "uri" TEXT NOT NULL, "content" BLOB, "nature" TEXT, "size" INTEGER, "checksum" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("uniform_resource_id") REFERENCES "uniform_resource"("uniform_resource_id"), UNIQUE("uniform_resource_id", "checksum", "nature", "size") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql" ( "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "sql" TEXT NOT NULL, "nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "content" BLOB, "behaviour" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(behaviour) OR behaviour IS NULL), "query_error" TEXT, "uniform_resource_id" VARCHAR, "ingest_session_id" VARCHAR, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("uniform_resource_id") REFERENCES "uniform_resource"("uniform_resource_id"), FOREIGN KEY("ingest_session_id") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session"("ur_ingest_session_id"), UNIQUE("sql", "ingest_session_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_nature" ( "orchestration_nature_id" TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("orchestration_nature_id", "nature") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session" ( "orchestration_session_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "device_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "orchestration_nature_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "version" TEXT NOT NULL, "orch_started_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "orch_finished_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "args_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(args_json) OR args_json IS NULL), "diagnostics_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(diagnostics_json) OR diagnostics_json IS NULL), "diagnostics_md" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("device_id") REFERENCES "device"("device_id"), FOREIGN KEY("orchestration_nature_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_nature"("orchestration_nature_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_entry" ( "orchestration_session_entry_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "ingest_src" TEXT NOT NULL, "ingest_table_name" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_state" ( "orchestration_session_state_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "session_entry_id" VARCHAR, "from_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "to_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "transition_result" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(transition_result) OR transition_result IS NULL), "transition_reason" TEXT, "transitioned_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id"), FOREIGN KEY("session_entry_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_entry"("orchestration_session_entry_id"), UNIQUE("orchestration_session_state_id", "from_state", "to_state") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_exec" ( "orchestration_session_exec_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "exec_nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "session_entry_id" VARCHAR, "parent_exec_id" VARCHAR, "namespace" TEXT, "exec_identity" TEXT, "exec_code" TEXT NOT NULL, "exec_status" INTEGER NOT NULL, "input_text" TEXT, "exec_error_text" TEXT, "output_text" TEXT, "output_nature" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(output_nature) OR output_nature IS NULL), "narrative_md" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id"), FOREIGN KEY("session_entry_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_entry"("orchestration_session_entry_id"), FOREIGN KEY("parent_exec_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_exec"("orchestration_session_exec_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_issue" ( "orchestration_session_issue_id" UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "session_entry_id" VARCHAR, "issue_type" TEXT NOT NULL, "issue_message" TEXT NOT NULL, "issue_row" INTEGER, "issue_column" TEXT, "invalid_value" TEXT, "remediation" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id"), FOREIGN KEY("session_entry_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_entry"("orchestration_session_entry_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_issue_relation" ( "orchestration_session_issue_relation_id" UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "issue_id_prime" UUID NOT NULL, "issue_id_rel" TEXT NOT NULL, "relationship_nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("issue_id_prime") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_issue"("orchestration_session_issue_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_log" ( "orchestration_session_log_id" UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "category" TEXT, "parent_exec_id" UUID, "content" TEXT NOT NULL, "sibling_order" INTEGER, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("parent_exec_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_log"("orchestration_session_log_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "uniform_resource_graph" ( "name" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "uniform_resource_edge" ( "graph_name" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "node_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "uniform_resource_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("graph_name") REFERENCES "uniform_resource_graph"("name"), FOREIGN KEY("uniform_resource_id") REFERENCES "uniform_resource"("uniform_resource_id"), UNIQUE("graph_name", "nature", "node_id", "uniform_resource_id") ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_party__party_type_id__party_name" ON "party"("party_type_id", "party_name"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_party_relation__party_id__related_party_id__relation_type_id" ON "party_relation"("party_id", "related_party_id", "relation_type_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_organization_role__person_id__organization_id__organization_role_type_id" ON "organization_role"("person_id", "organization_id", "organization_role_type_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_device__name__state" ON "device"("name", "state"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_device_party_relationship__device_id__party_id" ON "device_party_relationship"("device_id", "party_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_fs_path__ingest_session_id__root_path" ON "ur_ingest_session_fs_path"("ingest_session_id", "root_path"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_uniform_resource__device_id__uri" ON "uniform_resource"("device_id", "uri"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_uniform_resource_transform__uniform_resource_id__content_digest" ON "uniform_resource_transform"("uniform_resource_id", "content_digest"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry__ingest_session_id__file_path_abs" ON "ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry"("ingest_session_id", "file_path_abs"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_task__ingest_session_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_task"("ingest_session_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder__ingest_session_id__folder_name" ON "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder"("ingest_session_id", "folder_name"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message__ingest_session_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message"("ingest_session_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_imap_account__ingest_session_id__email" ON "ur_ingest_session_imap_account"("ingest_session_id", "email"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_account__provider__org_name" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_account"("provider", "org_name"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project__name__description" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project"("name", "description"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue__title__issue_id__state__assigned_to" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue"("title", "issue_id", "state", "assigned_to"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_user__user_id__login" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_user"("user_id", "login"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_comment__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_comment"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction__ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction"("ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction__ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction"("ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type__id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type"("id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_attachment__uniform_resource_id__content" ON "ur_ingest_session_attachment"("uniform_resource_id", "content"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql__ingest_session_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql"("ingest_session_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_orchestration_nature__orchestration_nature_id__nature" ON "orchestration_nature"("orchestration_nature_id", "nature"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_uniform_resource_edge__uniform_resource_id" ON "uniform_resource_edge"("uniform_resource_id"); c2c0ebe93c6799d6f1570841d13bbc0fc06ea224 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X65A9MWWWM50GBAKPBD AI LLM Prompt rssd-init understand notebooks schema Understand the following structure of an SQLite database designed to store code notebooks and execution kernels. The database comprises three main tables: 'code_notebook_kernel', 'code_notebook_cell', and 'code_notebook_state'. 1. 'code_notebook_kernel': A Notebook is a group of Cells. A kernel is a computational engine that executes the code contained in a notebook cell. Each notebook is associated with a kernel of a specific programming language or code transformer which can interpret code and produce a result. For example, a SQL notebook might use a SQLite kernel for running SQL code and an AI Prompt might prepare AI prompts for LLMs. 2. 'code_notebook_cell': Each Notebook is divided into cells, which are individual units of interpretable code. Each cell is linked to a kernel in the 'code_notebook_kernel' table via 'notebook_kernel_id'. The content of Cells depends on the Notebook Kernel and contain the source code to be executed by the Notebook's Kernel. The output of the code (text, graphics, etc.) can be stateless or may be stateful and store its results and state transitions in code_notebook_state. Notebooks can have multiple versions of cells, where the interpretable_code and other metadata may be updated over time. Code notebook cells are unique for notebook_name, cell_name and interpretable_code_hash which means there may be "duplicate" cells when interpretable_code has been edited and updated over time. 3. 'code_notebook_state': Records the state of a notebook's cells' executions, computations, and results for Kernels that are stateful. For example, a SQL Notebook Cell that creates tables should only be run once (meaning it's stateful). Other Kernels might store results for functions and output defined in one cell can be used in later cells. Each record links to a cell in the 'code_notebook_cell' table and includes information about the state transition, such as the previous and new states, transition reason, and timestamps. Surveilr tracks "migratable" SQL by looking in a special notebook called "ConstructionSqlNotebook" and any cells in that notebook are "candidates" for migration. Candidates that do not have a 'EXECUTED' in the state table mean that specific cell has not been "migrated" yet. The relationships are as follows: - Each cell in 'code_notebook_cell' is associated with a kernel in 'code_notebook_kernel'. - The 'code_notebook_state' table tracks changes in the state of each cell, linking back to the 'code_notebook_cell' table. Use the following SQLite tables and views to generate SQL queries that interact with these tables and once you understand them let me know so I can ask you for help: -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.bootstrapDDL` (file:///home/baasit/ INSERT INTO "session_state_ephemeral" ("key", "value") VALUES ('current_user', 'baasit') ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET value = excluded.value; INSERT INTO "session_state_ephemeral" ("key", "value") VALUES ('current_user_name', 'UNKNOWN') ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET value = excluded.value; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "assurance_schema" ( "assurance_schema_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "assurance_type" TEXT NOT NULL, "code" TEXT NOT NULL, "code_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(code_json) OR code_json IS NULL), "governance" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(governance) OR governance IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_kernel" ( "code_notebook_kernel_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "kernel_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "description" TEXT, "mime_type" TEXT, "file_extn" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "governance" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(governance) OR governance IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("kernel_name") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_cell" ( "code_notebook_cell_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "notebook_kernel_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "notebook_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "cell_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "cell_governance" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(cell_governance) OR cell_governance IS NULL), "interpretable_code" TEXT NOT NULL, "interpretable_code_hash" TEXT NOT NULL, "description" TEXT, "arguments" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(arguments) OR arguments IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("notebook_kernel_id") REFERENCES "code_notebook_kernel"("code_notebook_kernel_id"), UNIQUE("notebook_name", "cell_name", "interpretable_code_hash") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_state" ( "code_notebook_state_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code_notebook_cell_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "from_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "to_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "transition_result" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(transition_result) OR transition_result IS NULL), "transition_reason" TEXT, "transitioned_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("code_notebook_cell_id") REFERENCES "code_notebook_cell"("code_notebook_cell_id"), UNIQUE("code_notebook_cell_id", "from_state", "to_state") ); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_versions"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_versions" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells and how many different versions of each cell are available SELECT notebook_name, notebook_kernel_id, cell_name, COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY notebook_name, cell_name) AS versions, code_notebook_cell_id FROM code_notebook_cell ORDER BY notebook_name, cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_latest"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_cell_latest" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- Retrieve the latest version of each code_notebook_cell. -- Notebooks can have multiple versions of cells, where the interpretable_code and other metadata may be updated over time. -- The latest record is determined by the most recent COALESCE(updated_at, created_at) timestamp. SELECT c.code_notebook_cell_id, -- Selects the unique ID of the notebook cell c.notebook_kernel_id, -- References the kernel associated with this cell c.notebook_name, -- The name of the notebook containing this cell c.cell_name, -- The name of the cell within the notebook c.interpretable_code, -- The latest interpretable code associated with the cell c.interpretable_code_hash, -- Hash of the latest interpretable code c.description, -- Description of the cell's purpose or content c.cell_governance, -- Governance details for the cell (if any) c.arguments, -- Arguments or parameters related to the cell's execution c.activity_log, -- Log of activities related to this cell COALESCE(c.updated_at, c.created_at) AS version_timestamp -- The latest timestamp (updated or created) FROM ( SELECT code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_kernel_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description, cell_governance, arguments, activity_log, updated_at, created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY code_notebook_cell_id ORDER BY COALESCE(updated_at, created_at) DESC -- Orders by the latest timestamp ) AS rn FROM code_notebook_cell ) c WHERE c.rn = 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_version"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_version" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells that are candidates for migration (including duplicates) SELECT c.code_notebook_cell_id, c.notebook_name, c.cell_name, c.interpretable_code, c.interpretable_code_hash, CASE WHEN c.cell_name LIKE '%_once_%' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END AS is_idempotent, COALESCE(c.updated_at, c.created_at) version_timestamp FROM code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = 'ConstructionSqlNotebook' ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells that are candidates for migration (latest only) SELECT c.*, CASE WHEN c.cell_name LIKE '%_once_%' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END AS is_idempotent FROM code_notebook_cell_latest c WHERE c.notebook_name = 'ConstructionSqlNotebook' ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_state"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_state" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All cells that are candidates for migration (latest only) SELECT c.*, -- All columns from the code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable view s.from_state, -- The state the cell transitioned from s.to_state, -- The state the cell transitioned to s.transition_reason, -- The reason for the state transition s.transition_result, -- The result of the state transition s.transitioned_at -- The timestamp of the state transition FROM code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable c JOIN code_notebook_state s ON c.code_notebook_cell_id = s.code_notebook_cell_id ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_not_executed"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable_not_executed" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- All latest migratable cells that have not yet been "executed" (based on the code_notebook_state table) SELECT c.* FROM code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable c LEFT JOIN code_notebook_state s ON c.code_notebook_cell_id = s.code_notebook_cell_id AND s.to_state = 'EXECUTED' WHERE s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NULL ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "code_notebook_migration_sql"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "code_notebook_migration_sql" AS -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.notebookBusinessLogicViews` (file:///home/baasit/ -- Creates a dynamic migration script by concatenating all interpretable_code for cells that should be migrated. -- Excludes cells with names containing '_once_' if they have already been executed. -- Includes comments before each block and special comments for excluded cells. -- Wraps everything in a single transaction SELECT 'BEGIN TRANSACTION; '|| 'CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "session_state_ephemeral" ( "key" TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL ); ' || GROUP_CONCAT( CASE -- Case 1: Non-idempotent and already executed WHEN c.is_idempotent = FALSE AND s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NOT NULL THEN '-- ' || c.notebook_name || '.' || c.cell_name || ' not included because it is non-idempotent and was already executed on ' || s.transitioned_at || ' ' -- Case 2: Idempotent and not yet executed, idempotent and being reapplied, or non-idempotent and being run for the first time ELSE '-- ' || c.notebook_name || '.' || c.cell_name || ' ' || CASE -- First execution (non-idempotent or idempotent) WHEN s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NULL THEN '-- Executing for the first time. ' -- Reapplying execution (idempotent) ELSE '-- Reapplying execution. Last executed on ' || s.transitioned_at || ' ' END || c.interpretable_code || ' ' || 'INSERT INTO code_notebook_state (code_notebook_state_id, code_notebook_cell_id, from_state, to_state, transition_reason, created_at) ' || 'VALUES (' || '''' || c.code_notebook_cell_id || '__' || strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', 'now') || '''' || ', ' || '''' || c.code_notebook_cell_id || '''' || ', ' || '''MIGRATION_CANDIDATE''' || ', ' || '''EXECUTED''' || ', ' || CASE WHEN s.code_notebook_cell_id IS NULL THEN '''Migration''' ELSE '''Reapplication''' END || ', ' || 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' || ')' || ' ' || 'ON CONFLICT(code_notebook_cell_id, from_state, to_state) DO UPDATE SET updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' || 'transition_reason = ''Reapplied ' || datetime('now', 'localtime') || ''';' || ' ' END, ' ' ) || ' COMMIT;' AS migration_sql FROM code_notebook_sql_cell_migratable c LEFT JOIN code_notebook_state s ON c.code_notebook_cell_id = s.code_notebook_cell_id AND s.to_state = 'EXECUTED' ORDER BY c.cell_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "plm_graph"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "plm_graph" AS SELECT ure.graph_name, ure.nature, ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.uri, ur_ingest_plm.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id, ur_ingest_plm.issue_id, ur_ingest_plm.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id as project_id, ur_ingest_plm.title, ur_ingest_plm.body FROM uniform_resource_edge ure JOIN uniform_resource ur ON ure.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue ur_ingest_plm ON ure.node_id = ur_ingest_plm.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id WHERE ure.graph_name = 'plm'; ; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "imap_graph"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "imap_graph" AS SELECT ure.graph_name, ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, ur.uri, ur.content, ur_ingest_imap.ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message_id, ur_ingest_imap.ingest_imap_acct_folder_id, ur_ingest_imap.message_id FROM uniform_resource_edge ure JOIN uniform_resource ur ON ure.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message ur_ingest_imap ON ure.node_id = ur_ingest_imap.ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message_id WHERE ure.graph_name = 'imap'; ; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "filesystem_graph"; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS "filesystem_graph" AS SELECT ure.graph_name, ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, ur.uri, ur_ingest_fs_path.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id, ur_ingest_fs_path.root_path FROM uniform_resource_edge ure JOIN uniform_resource ur ON ure.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path ur_ingest_fs_path ON ure.node_id = ur_ingest_fs_path.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id WHERE ure.graph_name = 'filesystem'; ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS surveilr_function_doc; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS surveilr_function_doc ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT, parameters JSON, return_type TEXT, version TEXT ); INSERT INTO surveilr_function_doc (name, description, parameters, return_type, version) SELECT name, description, parameters, return_type, version FROM surveilr_function_docs(); ; 5c33519b93f33e621264cff1c0706dcf96356a5f 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X66BJS61WXZV2AW63JQ AI LLM Prompt rssd-init understand service schema Understand the following structure of an SQLite database designed to store cybersecurity and compliance data for files in a file system. The database is designed to store devices in the 'device' table and entities called 'resources' stored in the immutable append-only 'uniform_resource' table. Each time files are "walked" they are stored in ingestion session and link back to 'uniform_resource'. Because all tables are generally append only and immutable it means that the ingest_session_fs_path_entry table can be used for revision control and historical tracking of file changes. Use the following SQLite Schema to generate SQL queries that interact with these tables and once you understand them let me know so I can ask you for help: -- code provenance: `RssdInitSqlNotebook.v001_once_initialDDL` (file:///home/baasit/ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party_type" ( "party_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party" ( "party_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "party_type_id" ULID NOT NULL, "party_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("party_type_id") REFERENCES "party_type"("party_type_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party_relation_type" ( "party_relation_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "party_relation" ( "party_relation_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "party_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "related_party_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "relation_type_id" ULID NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("party_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), FOREIGN KEY("related_party_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), FOREIGN KEY("relation_type_id") REFERENCES "party_relation_type"("party_relation_type_id"), UNIQUE("party_id", "related_party_id", "relation_type_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "gender_type" ( "gender_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sex_type" ( "sex_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "person_type" ( "person_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "person" ( "person_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "party_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "person_type_id" ULID NOT NULL, "person_first_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "person_middle_name" TEXT, "person_last_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "previous_name" TEXT, "honorific_prefix" TEXT, "honorific_suffix" TEXT, "gender_id" ULID NOT NULL, "sex_id" ULID NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("party_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), FOREIGN KEY("person_type_id") REFERENCES "person_type"("person_type_id"), FOREIGN KEY("gender_id") REFERENCES "gender_type"("gender_type_id"), FOREIGN KEY("sex_id") REFERENCES "sex_type"("sex_type_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "organization" ( "organization_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "party_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "alias" TEXT, "description" TEXT, "license" TEXT NOT NULL, "federal_tax_id_num" TEXT, "registration_date" DATE NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("party_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "organization_role_type" ( "organization_role_type_id" ULID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "code" TEXT /* UNIQUE COLUMN */ NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("code") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "organization_role" ( "organization_role_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "person_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "organization_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "organization_role_type_id" ULID NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("person_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), FOREIGN KEY("organization_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), FOREIGN KEY("organization_role_type_id") REFERENCES "organization_role_type"("organization_role_type_id"), UNIQUE("person_id", "organization_id", "organization_role_type_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "device" ( "device_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "state" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(state)) NOT NULL, "boundary" TEXT NOT NULL, "segmentation" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(segmentation) OR segmentation IS NULL), "state_sysinfo" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(state_sysinfo) OR state_sysinfo IS NULL), "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("name", "state", "boundary") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "device_party_relationship" ( "device_party_relationship_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "device_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "party_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("device_id") REFERENCES "device"("device_id"), FOREIGN KEY("party_id") REFERENCES "party"("party_id"), UNIQUE("device_id", "party_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "behavior" ( "behavior_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "device_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "behavior_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "behavior_conf_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(behavior_conf_json)) NOT NULL, "assurance_schema_id" VARCHAR, "governance" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(governance) OR governance IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("device_id") REFERENCES "device"("device_id"), FOREIGN KEY("assurance_schema_id") REFERENCES "assurance_schema"("assurance_schema_id"), UNIQUE("device_id", "behavior_name") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ( "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "namespace" TEXT NOT NULL, "regex" TEXT NOT NULL, "flags" TEXT NOT NULL, "nature" TEXT, "priority" TEXT, "description" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("namespace", "regex") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" ( "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "namespace" TEXT NOT NULL, "regex" TEXT NOT NULL, "replace" TEXT NOT NULL, "priority" TEXT, "description" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("namespace", "regex", "replace") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session" ( "ur_ingest_session_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "device_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "behavior_id" VARCHAR, "behavior_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(behavior_json) OR behavior_json IS NULL), "ingest_started_at" TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, "ingest_finished_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "session_agent" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(session_agent)) NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("device_id") REFERENCES "device"("device_id"), FOREIGN KEY("behavior_id") REFERENCES "behavior"("behavior_id"), UNIQUE("device_id", "created_at") ); 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CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql" ( "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "sql" TEXT NOT NULL, "nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "content" BLOB, "behaviour" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(behaviour) OR behaviour IS NULL), "query_error" TEXT, "uniform_resource_id" VARCHAR, "ingest_session_id" VARCHAR, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("uniform_resource_id") REFERENCES "uniform_resource"("uniform_resource_id"), FOREIGN KEY("ingest_session_id") REFERENCES "ur_ingest_session"("ur_ingest_session_id"), UNIQUE("sql", "ingest_session_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_nature" ( "orchestration_nature_id" TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "created_by" TEXT DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN', "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_by" TEXT, "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "deleted_by" TEXT, "activity_log" TEXT, UNIQUE("orchestration_nature_id", "nature") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session" ( "orchestration_session_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "device_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "orchestration_nature_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "version" TEXT NOT NULL, "orch_started_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "orch_finished_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), "args_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(args_json) OR args_json IS NULL), "diagnostics_json" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(diagnostics_json) OR diagnostics_json IS NULL), "diagnostics_md" TEXT, FOREIGN KEY("device_id") REFERENCES "device"("device_id"), FOREIGN KEY("orchestration_nature_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_nature"("orchestration_nature_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_entry" ( "orchestration_session_entry_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "ingest_src" TEXT NOT NULL, "ingest_table_name" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_state" ( "orchestration_session_state_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "session_entry_id" VARCHAR, "from_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "to_state" TEXT NOT NULL, "transition_result" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(transition_result) OR transition_result IS NULL), "transition_reason" TEXT, "transitioned_at" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id"), FOREIGN KEY("session_entry_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_entry"("orchestration_session_entry_id"), UNIQUE("orchestration_session_state_id", "from_state", "to_state") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_exec" ( "orchestration_session_exec_id" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "exec_nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "session_entry_id" VARCHAR, "parent_exec_id" VARCHAR, "namespace" TEXT, "exec_identity" TEXT, "exec_code" TEXT NOT NULL, "exec_status" INTEGER NOT NULL, "input_text" TEXT, "exec_error_text" TEXT, "output_text" TEXT, "output_nature" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(output_nature) OR output_nature IS NULL), "narrative_md" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id"), FOREIGN KEY("session_entry_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_entry"("orchestration_session_entry_id"), FOREIGN KEY("parent_exec_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_exec"("orchestration_session_exec_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_issue" ( "orchestration_session_issue_id" UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "session_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "session_entry_id" VARCHAR, "issue_type" TEXT NOT NULL, "issue_message" TEXT NOT NULL, "issue_row" INTEGER, "issue_column" TEXT, "invalid_value" TEXT, "remediation" TEXT, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("session_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session"("orchestration_session_id"), FOREIGN KEY("session_entry_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_entry"("orchestration_session_entry_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_issue_relation" ( "orchestration_session_issue_relation_id" UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "issue_id_prime" UUID NOT NULL, "issue_id_rel" TEXT NOT NULL, "relationship_nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("issue_id_prime") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_issue"("orchestration_session_issue_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orchestration_session_log" ( "orchestration_session_log_id" UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "category" TEXT, "parent_exec_id" UUID, "content" TEXT NOT NULL, "sibling_order" INTEGER, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("parent_exec_id") REFERENCES "orchestration_session_log"("orchestration_session_log_id") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "uniform_resource_graph" ( "name" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "uniform_resource_edge" ( "graph_name" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "nature" TEXT NOT NULL, "node_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "uniform_resource_id" VARCHAR NOT NULL, "elaboration" TEXT CHECK(json_valid(elaboration) OR elaboration IS NULL), FOREIGN KEY("graph_name") REFERENCES "uniform_resource_graph"("name"), FOREIGN KEY("uniform_resource_id") REFERENCES "uniform_resource"("uniform_resource_id"), UNIQUE("graph_name", "nature", "node_id", "uniform_resource_id") ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_party__party_type_id__party_name" ON "party"("party_type_id", "party_name"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_party_relation__party_id__related_party_id__relation_type_id" ON "party_relation"("party_id", "related_party_id", "relation_type_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_organization_role__person_id__organization_id__organization_role_type_id" ON "organization_role"("person_id", "organization_id", "organization_role_type_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_device__name__state" ON "device"("name", "state"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_device_party_relationship__device_id__party_id" ON "device_party_relationship"("device_id", "party_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_fs_path__ingest_session_id__root_path" ON "ur_ingest_session_fs_path"("ingest_session_id", "root_path"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_uniform_resource__device_id__uri" ON "uniform_resource"("device_id", "uri"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_uniform_resource_transform__uniform_resource_id__content_digest" ON "uniform_resource_transform"("uniform_resource_id", "content_digest"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry__ingest_session_id__file_path_abs" ON "ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry"("ingest_session_id", "file_path_abs"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_task__ingest_session_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_task"("ingest_session_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder__ingest_session_id__folder_name" ON "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder"("ingest_session_id", "folder_name"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message__ingest_session_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message"("ingest_session_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_imap_account__ingest_session_id__email" ON "ur_ingest_session_imap_account"("ingest_session_id", "email"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_account__provider__org_name" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_account"("provider", "org_name"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project__name__description" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project"("name", "description"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue__title__issue_id__state__assigned_to" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue"("title", "issue_id", "state", "assigned_to"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_user__user_id__login" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_user"("user_id", "login"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_comment__ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_comment"("ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction__ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction"("ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction__ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction"("ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type__id" ON "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type"("id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_attachment__uniform_resource_id__content" ON "ur_ingest_session_attachment"("uniform_resource_id", "content"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql__ingest_session_id" ON "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql"("ingest_session_id"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_orchestration_nature__orchestration_nature_id__nature" ON "orchestration_nature"("orchestration_nature_id", "nature"); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_uniform_resource_edge__uniform_resource_id" ON "uniform_resource_edge"("uniform_resource_id");,CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "session_state_ephemeral" ( "key" TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "value" TEXT NOT NULL );,INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('ignore .git and node_modules paths', 'default', '/(\.git|node_modules)/', 'IGNORE_RESOURCE', NULL, NULL, 'Ignore any entry with `/.git/` or `/node_modules/` in the path.', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('typical ingestion extensions', 'default', '\.(?P<nature>md|mdx|html|json|jsonc|puml|txt|toml|yml|xml|tap|csv|tsv|ssv|psv|tm7|pdf|docx|doc|pptx|ppt|xlsx|xls)$', 'CONTENT_ACQUIRABLE', '?P<nature>', NULL, 'Ingest the content for md, mdx, html, json, jsonc, puml, txt, toml, and yml extensions. Assume the nature is the same as the extension.', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-[NATURE] style capturable executable', 'default', 'surveilr\[(?P<nature>[^\]]*)\]', 'CAPTURABLE_EXECUTABLE', '?P<nature>', NULL, 'Any entry with `surveilr-[XYZ]` in the path will be treated as a capturable executable extracting `XYZ` as the nature', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "flags", "nature", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-SQL capturable executable', 'default', 'surveilr-SQL', 'CAPTURABLE_EXECUTABLE | CAPTURABLE_SQL', NULL, NULL, 'Any entry with surveilr-SQL in the path will be treated as a capturable SQL executable and allow execution of the SQL', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id, ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id), namespace = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.namespace, namespace), regex = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.regex, regex), flags = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.flags, flags), description = COALESCE(EXCLUDED.description, description), "updated_at" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_by" = (SELECT "value" FROM "session_state_ephemeral" WHERE "key" = 'current_user'); INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "replace", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('.plantuml -> .puml', 'default', '(\.plantuml)$', '.puml', NULL, 'Treat .plantuml as .puml files', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "replace", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('.text -> .txt', 'default', '(\.text)$', '.txt', NULL, 'Treat .text as .txt files', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" ("ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id", "namespace", "regex", "replace", "priority", "description", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('.yaml -> .yml', 'default', '(\.yaml)$', '.yml', NULL, 'Treat .yaml as .yml files', NULL, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "party_type" ("party_type_id", "code", "value", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ((ulid()), 'ORGANIZATION', 'Organization', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "party_type" ("party_type_id", "code", "value", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ((ulid()), 'PERSON', 'Person', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "orchestration_nature" ("orchestration_nature_id", "nature", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-transform-csv', 'Transform CSV', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "orchestration_nature" ("orchestration_nature_id", "nature", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-transform-xml', 'Transform XML', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "orchestration_nature" ("orchestration_nature_id", "nature", "elaboration", "created_at", "created_by", "updated_at", "updated_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by", "activity_log") VALUES ('surveilr-transform-html', 'Transform HTML', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "uniform_resource_graph" ("name", "elaboration") VALUES ('filesystem', '{}') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "uniform_resource_graph" ("name", "elaboration") VALUES ('imap', '{}') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO "uniform_resource_graph" ("name", "elaboration") VALUES ('plm', '{}') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; e6310e15a296f095ca1ea44012e84e4eff800880 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X6AB8DN612HHZR3HY7C Text Asset (.puml) rssd-init @startuml surveilr-code-notebooks hide circle skinparam linetype ortho skinparam roundcorner 20 skinparam class { BackgroundColor White ArrowColor Silver BorderColor Silver FontColor Black FontSize 12 } entity "assurance_schema" as assurance_schema { * **assurance_schema_id**: VARCHAR -- * assurance_type: TEXT * code: TEXT code_json: TEXT governance: TEXT } entity "code_notebook_kernel" as code_notebook_kernel { * **code_notebook_kernel_id**: VARCHAR -- * kernel_name: TEXT description: TEXT mime_type: TEXT file_extn: TEXT elaboration: TEXT governance: TEXT -- codeNotebookCells: CodeNotebookCell[] } entity "code_notebook_cell" as code_notebook_cell { * **code_notebook_cell_id**: VARCHAR -- * notebook_kernel_id: VARCHAR * notebook_name: TEXT * cell_name: TEXT cell_governance: TEXT * interpretable_code: TEXT * interpretable_code_hash: TEXT description: TEXT arguments: TEXT } entity "code_notebook_state" as code_notebook_state { * **code_notebook_state_id**: VARCHAR -- * code_notebook_cell_id: VARCHAR * from_state: TEXT * to_state: TEXT transition_result: TEXT transition_reason: TEXT transitioned_at: TIMESTAMPTZ elaboration: TEXT } code_notebook_kernel |o..o{ code_notebook_cell code_notebook_cell |o..o{ code_notebook_state @enduml 84e0fc3aa026060b7e071785c89d02eaf87e6cbf 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X6JKB5YT8J6DXYGR43X Text Asset (.puml) rssd-init @startuml surveilr-state hide circle skinparam linetype ortho skinparam roundcorner 20 skinparam class { BackgroundColor White ArrowColor Silver BorderColor Silver FontColor Black FontSize 12 } entity "party_type" as party_type { * **party_type_id**: ULID -- * code: TEXT * value: TEXT } entity "party" as party { * **party_id**: VARCHAR -- * party_type_id: ULID * party_name: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "party_relation_type" as party_relation_type { * **party_relation_type_id**: ULID -- * code: TEXT * value: TEXT } entity "party_relation" as party_relation { * **party_relation_id**: VARCHAR -- * party_id: VARCHAR * related_party_id: VARCHAR * relation_type_id: ULID elaboration: TEXT } entity "gender_type" as gender_type { * **gender_type_id**: ULID -- * code: TEXT * value: TEXT } entity "sex_type" as sex_type { * **sex_type_id**: ULID -- * code: TEXT * value: TEXT } entity "person_type" as person_type { * **person_type_id**: ULID -- * code: TEXT * value: TEXT } entity "person" as person { * **person_id**: ULID -- * party_id: VARCHAR * person_type_id: ULID * person_first_name: TEXT person_middle_name: TEXT * person_last_name: TEXT previous_name: TEXT honorific_prefix: TEXT honorific_suffix: TEXT * gender_id: ULID * sex_id: ULID elaboration: TEXT } entity "organization" as organization { * **organization_id**: ULID -- * party_id: VARCHAR * name: TEXT alias: TEXT description: TEXT * license: TEXT federal_tax_id_num: TEXT * registration_date: DATE elaboration: TEXT } entity "organization_role_type" as organization_role_type { * **organization_role_type_id**: ULID -- * code: TEXT * value: TEXT } entity "organization_role" as organization_role { * **organization_role_id**: VARCHAR -- * person_id: VARCHAR * organization_id: VARCHAR * organization_role_type_id: ULID elaboration: TEXT } entity "device" as device { * **device_id**: VARCHAR -- * name: TEXT * state: TEXT * boundary: TEXT segmentation: TEXT state_sysinfo: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- behaviors: Behavior[] urIngestSessions: UrIngestSession[] uniformResources: UniformResource[] orchestrationSessions: OrchestrationSession[] } entity "device_party_relationship" as device_party_relationship { * **device_party_relationship_id**: VARCHAR -- * device_id: VARCHAR * party_id: VARCHAR elaboration: TEXT } entity "behavior" as behavior { * **behavior_id**: VARCHAR -- * device_id: VARCHAR * behavior_name: TEXT * behavior_conf_json: TEXT assurance_schema_id: VARCHAR governance: TEXT -- urIngestSessions: UrIngestSession[] } entity "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule" as ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule { * **ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id**: VARCHAR -- * namespace: TEXT * regex: TEXT * flags: TEXT nature: TEXT priority: TEXT description: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule" as ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule { * **ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id**: VARCHAR -- * namespace: TEXT * regex: TEXT * replace: TEXT priority: TEXT description: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session" as ur_ingest_session { * **ur_ingest_session_id**: VARCHAR -- * device_id: VARCHAR behavior_id: VARCHAR behavior_json: TEXT * ingest_started_at: TIMESTAMPTZ ingest_finished_at: TIMESTAMPTZ * session_agent: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionFsPaths: UrIngestSessionFsPath[] uniformResources: UniformResource[] urIngestSessionFsPathEntrys: UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry[] urIngestSessionImapAccounts: UrIngestSessionImapAccount[] urIngestSessionImapAcctFolders: UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder[] urIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessages: UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage[] urIngestSessionPlmAccounts: UrIngestSessionPlmAccount[] urIngestSessionPlmAcctProjects: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject[] urIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssues: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue[] urIngestSessionUdiPgpSqls: UrIngestSessionUdiPgpSql[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_fs_path" as ur_ingest_session_fs_path { * **ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR * root_path: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionFsPathEntrys: UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry[] } entity "uniform_resource" as uniform_resource { * **uniform_resource_id**: VARCHAR -- * device_id: VARCHAR * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR ingest_fs_path_id: VARCHAR ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message: VARCHAR ingest_issue_acct_project_id: VARCHAR * uri: TEXT * content_digest: TEXT content: BLOB nature: TEXT size_bytes: INTEGER last_modified_at: TIMESTAMPTZ content_fm_body_attrs: TEXT frontmatter: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- uniformResourceTransforms: UniformResourceTransform[] urIngestSessionAttachments: UrIngestSessionAttachment[] uniformResourceEdges: UniformResourceEdge[] } entity "uniform_resource_transform" as uniform_resource_transform { * **uniform_resource_transform_id**: VARCHAR -- * uniform_resource_id: VARCHAR * uri: TEXT * content_digest: TEXT content: BLOB nature: TEXT size_bytes: INTEGER elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry" as ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry { * **ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR * ingest_fs_path_id: VARCHAR uniform_resource_id: VARCHAR * file_path_abs: TEXT * file_path_rel_parent: TEXT * file_path_rel: TEXT * file_basename: TEXT file_extn: TEXT captured_executable: TEXT ur_status: TEXT ur_diagnostics: TEXT ur_transformations: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_task" as ur_ingest_session_task { * **ur_ingest_session_task_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR uniform_resource_id: VARCHAR * captured_executable: TEXT ur_status: TEXT ur_diagnostics: TEXT ur_transformations: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_imap_account" as ur_ingest_session_imap_account { * **ur_ingest_session_imap_account_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR email: TEXT password: TEXT host: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionImapAcctFolders: UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder" as ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder { * **ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR * ingest_account_id: VARCHAR * folder_name: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessages: UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message" as ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message { * **ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR * ingest_imap_acct_folder_id: VARCHAR * message: TEXT * message_id: TEXT * subject: TEXT * from: TEXT * cc: TEXT * bcc: TEXT * status: TEXT[] date: DATE * email_references: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_account" as ur_ingest_session_plm_account { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_account_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR * provider: TEXT * org_name: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionPlmAcctProjects: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project" as ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR * ingest_account_id: VARCHAR parent_project_id: TEXT * name: TEXT description: TEXT id: TEXT key: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssues: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue[] urIngestSessionPlmAcctLabels: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel[] urIngestSessionPlmMilestones: UrIngestSessionPlmMilestone[] urIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationships: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue" as ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id**: VARCHAR -- * ingest_session_id: VARCHAR * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: VARCHAR uniform_resource_id: VARCHAR * issue_id: TEXT issue_number: INTEGER parent_issue_id: TEXT * title: TEXT body: TEXT body_text: TEXT body_html: TEXT * state: TEXT assigned_to: TEXT * user: VARCHAR * url: TEXT closed_at: TEXT issue_type_id: VARCHAR time_estimate: INTEGER aggregate_time_estimate: INTEGER time_original_estimate: INTEGER time_spent: INTEGER aggregate_time_spent: INTEGER aggregate_time_original_estimate: INTEGER workratio: INTEGER current_progress: INTEGER total_progress: INTEGER resolution_name: TEXT resolution_date: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionPlmAcctLabels: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel[] urIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationships: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship[] urIngestSessionPlmComments: UrIngestSessionPlmComment[] urIngestSessionPlmIssueReactions: UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label" as ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label_id**: VARCHAR -- * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: VARCHAR * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: VARCHAR * label: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone" as ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone_id**: VARCHAR -- * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: VARCHAR * title: TEXT * milestone_id: TEXT * url: TEXT * html_url: TEXT open_issues: INTEGER closed_issues: INTEGER due_on: TIMESTAMPTZ closed_at: TIMESTAMPTZ elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship" as ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship_id**: VARCHAR -- * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime: VARCHAR * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_related: TEXT * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_prime: VARCHAR * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_related: TEXT relationship: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_user" as ur_ingest_session_plm_user { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id**: VARCHAR -- * user_id: TEXT * login: TEXT email: TEXT name: TEXT * url: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssues: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue[] urIngestSessionPlmComments: UrIngestSessionPlmComment[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_comment" as ur_ingest_session_plm_comment { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_comment_id**: VARCHAR -- * ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: VARCHAR * comment_id: TEXT * node_id: TEXT * url: TEXT body: TEXT body_text: TEXT body_html: TEXT * user: VARCHAR elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction" as ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id**: VARCHAR -- * reaction_id: TEXT * reaction_type: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionPlmIssueReactions: UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction" as ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id**: VARCHAR -- * ur_ingest_plm_reaction_id: VARCHAR * ur_ingest_plm_issue_id: VARCHAR * count: INTEGER elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type" as ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type { * **ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type_id**: VARCHAR -- avatar_id: TEXT * description: TEXT * icon_url: TEXT * id: TEXT * name: TEXT * subtask: BOOLEAN * url: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- urIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssues: UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue[] } entity "ur_ingest_session_attachment" as ur_ingest_session_attachment { * **ur_ingest_session_attachment_id**: VARCHAR -- uniform_resource_id: VARCHAR name: TEXT * uri: TEXT content: BLOB nature: TEXT size: INTEGER checksum: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql" as ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql { * **ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql_id**: VARCHAR -- * sql: TEXT * nature: TEXT content: BLOB behaviour: TEXT query_error: TEXT uniform_resource_id: VARCHAR ingest_session_id: VARCHAR } entity "orchestration_nature" as orchestration_nature { * **orchestration_nature_id**: TEXT -- * nature: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- orchestrationSessions: OrchestrationSession[] } entity "orchestration_session" as orchestration_session { * **orchestration_session_id**: VARCHAR -- * device_id: VARCHAR * orchestration_nature_id: TEXT * version: TEXT orch_started_at: TIMESTAMPTZ orch_finished_at: TIMESTAMPTZ elaboration: TEXT args_json: TEXT diagnostics_json: TEXT diagnostics_md: TEXT -- orchestrationSessionEntrys: OrchestrationSessionEntry[] orchestrationSessionStates: OrchestrationSessionState[] orchestrationSessionExecs: OrchestrationSessionExec[] orchestrationSessionIssues: OrchestrationSessionIssue[] } entity "orchestration_session_entry" as orchestration_session_entry { * **orchestration_session_entry_id**: VARCHAR -- * session_id: VARCHAR * ingest_src: TEXT ingest_table_name: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- orchestrationSessionStates: OrchestrationSessionState[] orchestrationSessionExecs: OrchestrationSessionExec[] orchestrationSessionIssues: OrchestrationSessionIssue[] } entity "orchestration_session_state" as orchestration_session_state { * **orchestration_session_state_id**: VARCHAR -- * session_id: VARCHAR session_entry_id: VARCHAR * from_state: TEXT * to_state: TEXT transition_result: TEXT transition_reason: TEXT transitioned_at: TIMESTAMPTZ elaboration: TEXT } entity "orchestration_session_exec" as orchestration_session_exec { * **orchestration_session_exec_id**: VARCHAR -- * exec_nature: TEXT * session_id: VARCHAR session_entry_id: VARCHAR parent_exec_id: VARCHAR namespace: TEXT exec_identity: TEXT * exec_code: TEXT * exec_status: INTEGER input_text: TEXT exec_error_text: TEXT output_text: TEXT output_nature: TEXT narrative_md: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "orchestration_session_issue" as orchestration_session_issue { * **orchestration_session_issue_id**: UUID -- * session_id: VARCHAR session_entry_id: VARCHAR * issue_type: TEXT * issue_message: TEXT issue_row: INTEGER issue_column: TEXT invalid_value: TEXT remediation: TEXT elaboration: TEXT -- orchestrationSessionIssueRelations: OrchestrationSessionIssueRelation[] } entity "orchestration_session_issue_relation" as orchestration_session_issue_relation { * **orchestration_session_issue_relation_id**: UUID -- * issue_id_prime: UUID * issue_id_rel: TEXT * relationship_nature: TEXT elaboration: TEXT } entity "orchestration_session_log" as orchestration_session_log { * **orchestration_session_log_id**: UUID -- category: TEXT parent_exec_id: UUID * content: TEXT sibling_order: INTEGER elaboration: TEXT } entity "uniform_resource_graph" as uniform_resource_graph { * **name**: VARCHAR -- elaboration: TEXT -- uniformResourceEdges: UniformResourceEdge[] } entity "uniform_resource_edge" as uniform_resource_edge { * graph_name: VARCHAR * nature: TEXT * node_id: TEXT * uniform_resource_id: VARCHAR elaboration: TEXT } party_type |o..o{ party party |o..o{ party_relation party |o..o{ party_relation party_relation_type |o..o{ party_relation party |o..o{ person person_type |o..o{ person gender_type |o..o{ person sex_type |o..o{ person party |o..o{ organization party |o..o{ organization_role party |o..o{ organization_role organization_role_type |o..o{ organization_role device |o..o{ device_party_relationship party |o..o{ device_party_relationship device |o..o{ behavior device |o..o{ ur_ingest_session behavior |o..o{ ur_ingest_session ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_fs_path device |o..o{ uniform_resource ur_ingest_session |o..o{ uniform_resource ur_ingest_session_fs_path |o..o{ uniform_resource ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message |o..o{ uniform_resource ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project |o..o{ uniform_resource uniform_resource |o..o{ uniform_resource_transform ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry ur_ingest_session_fs_path |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry uniform_resource |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_task uniform_resource |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_task ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_imap_account ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder ur_ingest_session_imap_account |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_account ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project ur_ingest_session_plm_account |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue uniform_resource |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue ur_ingest_session_plm_user |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_comment ur_ingest_session_plm_user |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_comment ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction uniform_resource |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_attachment uniform_resource |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql ur_ingest_session |o..o{ ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql device |o..o{ orchestration_session orchestration_nature |o..o{ orchestration_session orchestration_session |o..o{ orchestration_session_entry orchestration_session |o..o{ orchestration_session_state orchestration_session_entry |o..o{ orchestration_session_state orchestration_session |o..o{ orchestration_session_exec orchestration_session_entry |o..o{ orchestration_session_exec orchestration_session_exec |o..o{ orchestration_session_exec orchestration_session |o..o{ orchestration_session_issue orchestration_session_entry |o..o{ orchestration_session_issue orchestration_session_issue |o..o{ orchestration_session_issue_relation orchestration_session_log |o..o{ orchestration_session_log uniform_resource_graph |o..o{ uniform_resource_edge uniform_resource |o..o{ uniform_resource_edge @enduml 30af406a0fdf40bddff26e002065f7b5f777a244 2025-01-17 14:19:52
01JF7M8X6PC6KRV8CWTJ4ZM4SZ Text Asset (.rs) rssd-init /* const PARTY_TYPE: &str = "party_type"; const PARTY: &str = "party"; const PARTY_RELATION_TYPE: &str = "party_relation_type"; const PARTY_RELATION: &str = "party_relation"; const GENDER_TYPE: &str = "gender_type"; const SEX_TYPE: &str = "sex_type"; const PERSON_TYPE: &str = "person_type"; const PERSON: &str = "person"; const ORGANIZATION: &str = "organization"; const ORGANIZATION_ROLE_TYPE: &str = "organization_role_type"; const ORGANIZATION_ROLE: &str = "organization_role"; const DEVICE: &str = "device"; const DEVICE_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP: &str = "device_party_relationship"; const BEHAVIOR: &str = "behavior"; const UR_INGEST_RESOURCE_PATH_MATCH_RULE: &str = "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule"; const UR_INGEST_RESOURCE_PATH_REWRITE_RULE: &str = "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION: &str = "ur_ingest_session"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_FS_PATH: &str = "ur_ingest_session_fs_path"; const UNIFORM_RESOURCE: &str = "uniform_resource"; const UNIFORM_RESOURCE_TRANSFORM: &str = "uniform_resource_transform"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_FS_PATH_ENTRY: &str = "ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_TASK: &str = "ur_ingest_session_task"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_IMAP_ACCOUNT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_imap_account"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_IMAP_ACCT_FOLDER: &str = "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_IMAP_ACCT_FOLDER_MESSAGE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCOUNT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_account"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_PROJECT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_PROJECT_ISSUE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_LABEL: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_MILESTONE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_RELATIONSHIP: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_USER: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_user"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_COMMENT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_comment"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_REACTION: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ISSUE_REACTION: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ISSUE_TYPE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_ATTACHMENT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_attachment"; const UR_INGEST_SESSION_UDI_PGP_SQL: &str = "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql"; const ORCHESTRATION_NATURE: &str = "orchestration_nature"; const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION: &str = "orchestration_session"; const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_ENTRY: &str = "orchestration_session_entry"; const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_STATE: &str = "orchestration_session_state"; const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_EXEC: &str = "orchestration_session_exec"; const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_ISSUE: &str = "orchestration_session_issue"; const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_ISSUE_RELATION: &str = "orchestration_session_issue_relation"; const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_LOG: &str = "orchestration_session_log"; const UNIFORM_RESOURCE_GRAPH: &str = "uniform_resource_graph"; const UNIFORM_RESOURCE_EDGE: &str = "uniform_resource_edge"; const ASSURANCE_SCHEMA: &str = "assurance_schema"; const CODE_NOTEBOOK_KERNEL: &str = "code_notebook_kernel"; const CODE_NOTEBOOK_CELL: &str = "code_notebook_cell"; const CODE_NOTEBOOK_STATE: &str = "code_notebook_state"; */ // `party_type` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct PartyType { party_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type } // `party` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Party { party_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) party_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default party_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `party_relation_type` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct PartyRelationType { party_relation_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type } // `party_relation` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct PartyRelation { party_relation_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type related_party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type relation_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `gender_type` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct GenderType { gender_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type } // `sex_type` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct SexType { sex_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type } // `person_type` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct PersonType { person_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type } // `person` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Person { person_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type person_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default person_first_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type person_middle_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type person_last_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type previous_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type honorific_prefix: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type honorific_suffix: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type gender_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default sex_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `organization` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Organization { organization_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type alias: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type license: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type federal_tax_id_num: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type registration_date: chrono::NaiveDate, // Using chrono crate for 'date' elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `organization_role_type` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrganizationRoleType { organization_role_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default) code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type } // `organization_role` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrganizationRole { organization_role_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) person_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type organization_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type organization_role_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `device` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Device { device_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type state: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default boundary: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type segmentation: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default state_sysinfo: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default behaviors: Vec<Behavior>, // `behavior` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_sessions: Vec<UrIngestSession>, // `ur_ingest_session` belongsTo collection uniform_resources: Vec<UniformResource>, // `uniform_resource` belongsTo collection orchestration_sessions: Vec<OrchestrationSession>, // `orchestration_session` belongsTo collection } // `device_party_relationship` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct DevicePartyRelationship { device_party_relationship_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `behavior` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Behavior { behavior_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type behavior_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type behavior_conf_json: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default assurance_schema_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_sessions: Vec<UrIngestSession>, // `ur_ingest_session` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestResourcePathMatchRule { ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) namespace: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type regex: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type flags: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type priority: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestResourcePathRewriteRule { ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) namespace: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type regex: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type replace: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type priority: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSession { ur_ingest_session_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type behavior_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type behavior_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ingest_started_at: String, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default ingest_finished_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default session_agent: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_fs_paths: Vec<UrIngestSessionFsPath>, // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path` belongsTo collection uniform_resources: Vec<UniformResource>, // `uniform_resource` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entrys: Vec<UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry>, // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_imap_accounts: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAccount>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_account` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folders: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_messages: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_accounts: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAccount>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_account` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_projects: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sqls: Vec<UrIngestSessionUdiPgpSql>, // `ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionFsPath { ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type root_path: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entrys: Vec<UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry>, // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry` belongsTo collection } // `uniform_resource` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UniformResource { uniform_resource_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_fs_path_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_issue_acct_project_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uri: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type content_digest: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type size_bytes: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type last_modified_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default content_fm_body_attrs: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default frontmatter: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default uniform_resource_transforms: Vec<UniformResourceTransform>, // `uniform_resource_transform` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_attachments: Vec<UrIngestSessionAttachment>, // `ur_ingest_session_attachment` belongsTo collection uniform_resource_edges: Vec<UniformResourceEdge>, // `uniform_resource_edge` belongsTo collection } // `uniform_resource_transform` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UniformResourceTransform { uniform_resource_transform_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) uniform_resource_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uri: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type content_digest: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type size_bytes: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry { ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_fs_path_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type file_path_abs: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type file_path_rel_parent: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type file_path_rel: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type file_basename: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type file_extn: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type captured_executable: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_status: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_diagnostics: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_transformations: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_task` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionTask { ur_ingest_session_task_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type captured_executable: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_status: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_diagnostics: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_transformations: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_imap_account` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionImapAccount { ur_ingest_session_imap_account_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type email: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type password: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type host: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folders: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder { ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_account_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type folder_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_messages: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage { ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_imap_acct_folder_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type message: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type message_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type subject: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type from: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type cc: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default bcc: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default status: String, // uknown type 'array::string', mapping to String by default date: Option<chrono::NaiveDate>, // Using chrono crate for 'date' email_references: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_account` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAccount { ur_ingest_session_plm_account_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type provider: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type org_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_projects: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject { ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_account_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type parent_project_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type key: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_labels: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_milestones: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmMilestone>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationships: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue { ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type issue_number: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type parent_issue_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type title: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type body: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type body_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type body_html: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type assigned_to: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type user: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type closed_at: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type issue_type_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type time_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type aggregate_time_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type time_original_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type time_spent: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type aggregate_time_spent: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type aggregate_time_original_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type workratio: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type current_progress: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type total_progress: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type resolution_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type resolution_date: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_labels: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationships: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_comments: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmComment>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_comment` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reactions: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel { ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type label: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmMilestone { ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type title: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type milestone_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type html_url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type open_issues: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type closed_issues: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type due_on: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default closed_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship { ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_related: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_prime: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_related: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type relationship: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_user` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmUser { ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) user_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type login: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type email: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection ur_ingest_session_plm_comments: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmComment>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_comment` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_comment` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmComment { ur_ingest_session_plm_comment_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type comment_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type node_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type body: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type body_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type body_html: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type user: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmReaction { ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) reaction_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type reaction_type: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reactions: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction { ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) ur_ingest_plm_reaction_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ur_ingest_plm_issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type count: i64, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmIssueType { ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) avatar_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type description: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type icon_url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type subtask: bool, // 'boolean' maps directly to Rust type url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection } // `ur_ingest_session_attachment` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionAttachment { ur_ingest_session_attachment_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uri: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type size: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type checksum: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UrIngestSessionUdiPgpSql { ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) sql: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type behaviour: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default query_error: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_session_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type } // `orchestration_nature` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationNature { orchestration_nature_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default orchestration_sessions: Vec<OrchestrationSession>, // `orchestration_session` belongsTo collection } // `orchestration_session` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationSession { orchestration_session_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type orchestration_nature_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type version: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type orch_started_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default orch_finished_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default args_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default diagnostics_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default diagnostics_md: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type orchestration_session_entrys: Vec<OrchestrationSessionEntry>, // `orchestration_session_entry` belongsTo collection orchestration_session_states: Vec<OrchestrationSessionState>, // `orchestration_session_state` belongsTo collection orchestration_session_execs: Vec<OrchestrationSessionExec>, // `orchestration_session_exec` belongsTo collection orchestration_session_issues: Vec<OrchestrationSessionIssue>, // `orchestration_session_issue` belongsTo collection } // `orchestration_session_entry` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationSessionEntry { orchestration_session_entry_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_src: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type ingest_table_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default orchestration_session_states: Vec<OrchestrationSessionState>, // `orchestration_session_state` belongsTo collection orchestration_session_execs: Vec<OrchestrationSessionExec>, // `orchestration_session_exec` belongsTo collection orchestration_session_issues: Vec<OrchestrationSessionIssue>, // `orchestration_session_issue` belongsTo collection } // `orchestration_session_state` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationSessionState { orchestration_session_state_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type session_entry_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type from_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type to_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type transition_result: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default transition_reason: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type transitioned_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `orchestration_session_exec` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationSessionExec { orchestration_session_exec_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) exec_nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type session_entry_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type parent_exec_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type namespace: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type exec_identity: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type exec_code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type exec_status: i64, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type input_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type exec_error_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type output_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type output_nature: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default narrative_md: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `orchestration_session_issue` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationSessionIssue { orchestration_session_issue_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default) session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type session_entry_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type issue_type: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type issue_message: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type issue_row: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type issue_column: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type invalid_value: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type remediation: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default orchestration_session_issue_relations: Vec<OrchestrationSessionIssueRelation>, // `orchestration_session_issue_relation` belongsTo collection } // `orchestration_session_issue_relation` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationSessionIssueRelation { orchestration_session_issue_relation_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default) issue_id_prime: String, // uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default issue_id_rel: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type relationship_nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `orchestration_session_log` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct OrchestrationSessionLog { orchestration_session_log_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default) category: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type parent_exec_id: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default content: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type sibling_order: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `uniform_resource_graph` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UniformResourceGraph { name: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default uniform_resource_edges: Vec<UniformResourceEdge>, // `uniform_resource_edge` belongsTo collection } // `uniform_resource_edge` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UniformResourceEdge { graph_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type node_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type uniform_resource_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `assurance_schema` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct AssuranceSchema { assurance_schema_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) assurance_type: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type code_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `code_notebook_kernel` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct CodeNotebookKernel { code_notebook_kernel_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) kernel_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type mime_type: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type file_extn: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default code_notebook_cells: Vec<CodeNotebookCell>, // `code_notebook_cell` belongsTo collection } // `code_notebook_cell` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct CodeNotebookCell { code_notebook_cell_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) notebook_kernel_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type notebook_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type cell_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type cell_governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default interpretable_code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type interpretable_code_hash: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type arguments: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } // `code_notebook_state` table #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct CodeNotebookState { code_notebook_state_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type) code_notebook_cell_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type from_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type to_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type transition_result: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default transition_reason: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type transitioned_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default } 5ef6dfcadbf369fa5a50a877edf98d9e9736daef 2025-01-17 14:19:52
web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files SQL Web UI auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (file:///app/ -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title,sqlpage.environment_variable(''SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX'') || ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title,sqlpage.environment_variable(''SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX'') || ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title,sqlpage.environment_variable(''SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX'') || ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component,sqlpage.environment_variable(''SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX'') || ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component,sqlpage.environment_variable(''SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX'') || ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows TODO A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views 2025-01-17 14:23:56

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