
              SELECT 'dynamic' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql('shell/shell.sql') AS properties;
              SELECT 'breadcrumb' as component;
WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS (
        COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title,
        COALESCE(url, path) AS link,
        parent_path, 0 AS level,
    FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation
    WHERE namespace = 'prime' AND path='drh/study-related-data/index.sql'
        COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title,
        COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link,
        nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace
    FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav
    INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path
SELECT title ,      
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/'||link as link        
FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC;
              -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation

  SELECT 'title' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption)
    FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation
   WHERE namespace = 'prime' AND path = 'drh/study-related-data/index.sql/index.sql') as contents;
  'text' as component,
  In Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) research, studies are designed to evaluate the effectiveness, accuracy, and impact of CGM systems on diabetes management. Each study aims to gather comprehensive data on glucose levels, treatment efficacy, and patient outcomes to advance our understanding of diabetes care.

  ### Study Details

  - **Study ID**: A unique identifier assigned to each study.
  - **Study Name**: The name or title of the study.
  - **Start Date**: The date when the study begins.
  - **End Date**: The date when the study concludes.
  - **Treatment Modalities**: Different treatment methods or interventions used in the study.
  - **Funding Source**: The source(s) of financial support for the study.
  - **NCT Number**: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier for the study.
  - **Study Description**: A description of the study’s objectives, methodology, and scope.

  ' as contents_md;

  SELECT 'table' as component, 1 as search, 1 as sort, 1 as hover, 1 as striped_rows;
  SELECT * from drh_study;

          'text' as component,

## Site Information

Research sites are locations where the studies are conducted. They include clinical settings where participants are recruited, monitored, and data is collected.

### Site Details

  - **Study ID**: A unique identifier for the study associated with the site.
  - **Site ID**: A unique identifier for each research site.
  - **Site Name**: The name of the institution or facility where the research is carried out.
  - **Site Type**: The type or category of the site (e.g., hospital, clinic).

      ' as contents_md;

      SELECT 'table' as component, 1 as search, 1 as sort, 1 as hover, 1 as striped_rows;
      SELECT * from drh_site;