SELECT 'dynamic' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql('shell/shell.sql') AS properties;
SELECT 'breadcrumb' as component;
WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS (
COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title,
COALESCE(url, path) AS link,
parent_path, 0 AS level,
FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation
WHERE namespace = 'prime' AND path='drh/index.sql'
COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title,
COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link,
nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace
FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav
INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path
SELECT title ,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/'||link as link
FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC;
-- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation
'card' as component,
'Welcome to the Diabetes Research Hub Edge UI' as title,
1 as columns;
'About' as title,
'green' as color,
'white' as background_color,
'The Diabetes Research Hub (DRH) addresses a growing need for a centralized platform to manage and analyze continuous glucose monitor (CGM) data.Our primary focus is to collect data from studies conducted by various researchers. Initially, we are concentrating on gathering CGM data, with plans to collect additional types of data in the future.' as description,
'home' as icon;
'card' as component,
'Files Log' as title,
1 as columns;
'Study Files Log' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/ingestion-log/index.sql' as link,
'This section provides an overview of the files that have been accepted and converted into database format for research purposes' as description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;
'card' as component,
'File Verification Results' as title,
1 as columns;
'Verification Log' AS title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/verification-validation-log/index.sql' AS link,
'Use this section to review the issues identified in the file content and take appropriate corrective actions.' AS description,
'table' AS icon,
'red' AS color;
'card' as component,
'Features ' as title,
9 as columns;
'Study Participant Dashboard' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/study-participant-dashboard/index.sql' as link,
'The dashboard presents key study details and participant-specific metrics in a clear, organized table format' as description,
'table' as icon,
'red' as color;
'Researcher and Associated Information' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/researcher-related-data/index.sql' as link,
'This section provides detailed information about the individuals , institutions and labs involved in the research study.' as description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;
'Study ResearchSite Details' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/study-related-data/index.sql' as link,
'This section provides detailed information about the study , and sites involved in the research study.' as description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;
'Participant Demographics' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/participant-related-data/index.sql' as link,
'This section provides detailed information about the the participants involved in the research study.' as description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;
'Author and Publication Details' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/author-pub-data/index.sql' as link,
'Information about research publications and the authors involved in the studies are also collected, contributing to the broader understanding and dissemination of research findings.' as description,
'book' AS icon,
'red' as color;
'CGM Meta Data and Associated information' as title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/cgm-associated-data/index.sql' as link,
'This section provides detailed information about the CGM device used, the relationship between the participant''s raw CGM tracing file and related metadata, and other pertinent information.' as description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;
'Raw CGM Data Description' AS title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/cgm-data/index.sql' AS link,
'Explore detailed information about glucose levels over time, including timestamp, and glucose value.' AS description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;
'Combined CGM Tracing' AS title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/cgm-combined-data/index.sql' AS link,
'Explore the comprehensive CGM dataset, integrating glucose monitoring data from all participants for in-depth analysis of glycemic patterns and trends across the study.' AS description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;
'PHI De-Identification Results' AS title,
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/drh/deidentification-log/index.sql' AS link,
'Explore the results of PHI de-identification and review which columns have been modified.' AS description,
'book' as icon,
'red' as color;