
              SELECT 'dynamic' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql('shell/shell.sql') AS properties;
              SELECT 'breadcrumb' as component;
WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS (
        COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title,
        COALESCE(url, path) AS link,
        parent_path, 0 AS level,
    FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation
    WHERE namespace = 'prime' AND path='drh/cgm-associated-data/index.sql'
        COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title,
        COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link,
        nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace
    FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav
    INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path
SELECT title ,      
sqlpage.environment_variable('SQLPAGE_SITE_PREFIX') || '/'||link as link        
FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC;
              -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation

  SELECT 'title' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption)
    FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation
   WHERE namespace = 'prime' AND path = 'drh/cgm-associated-data/index.sql/index.sql') as contents;

  'breadcrumb' as component;
      'Home' as title,
      'index.sql'    as link;
      'CGM File Meta Data' as title;

'text' as component,

CGM file metadata provides essential information about the Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) data files used in research studies. This metadata is crucial for understanding the context and quality of the data collected.

### Metadata Details

- **Metadata ID**: A unique identifier for the metadata record.
- **Device Name**: The name of the CGM device used to collect the data.
- **Device ID**: A unique identifier for the CGM device.
- **Source Platform**: The platform or system from which the CGM data originated.
- **Patient ID**: A unique identifier for the patient from whom the data was collected.
- **File Name**: The name of the uploaded CGM data file.
- **File Format**: The format of the uploaded file (e.g., CSV, Excel).
- **File Upload Date**: The date when the file was uploaded to the system.
- **Data Start Date**: The start date of the data period covered by the file.
- **Data End Date**: The end date of the data period covered by the file.
- **Study ID**: A unique identifier for the study associated with the CGM data.

' as contents_md;

SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM drh_cgmfilemetadata_view );
SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50);
SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0);
SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit;
SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1;

-- Display uniform_resource table with pagination
SELECT 'table' AS component,
    TRUE AS sort,
    TRUE AS search;
SELECT * FROM drh_cgmfilemetadata_view
LIMIT $limit
OFFSET $offset;

SELECT 'text' AS component,
    (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN '[Previous](?limit=' || $limit || '&offset=' || ($offset - $limit) ||     ')' ELSE '' END) || ' ' ||
    '(Page ' || $current_page || ' of ' || $total_pages || ") " ||
    (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN '[Next](?limit=' || $limit || '&offset=' || ($offset + $limit) ||     ')' ELSE '' END)
    AS contents_md;