(Text Asset (.rs))

const PARTY_TYPE: &str = "party_type";
const PARTY: &str = "party";
const PARTY_RELATION_TYPE: &str = "party_relation_type";
const PARTY_RELATION: &str = "party_relation";
const GENDER_TYPE: &str = "gender_type";
const SEX_TYPE: &str = "sex_type";
const PERSON_TYPE: &str = "person_type";
const PERSON: &str = "person";
const ORGANIZATION: &str = "organization";
const ORGANIZATION_ROLE_TYPE: &str = "organization_role_type";
const ORGANIZATION_ROLE: &str = "organization_role";
const DEVICE: &str = "device";
const DEVICE_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP: &str = "device_party_relationship";
const BEHAVIOR: &str = "behavior";
const UR_INGEST_RESOURCE_PATH_MATCH_RULE: &str = "ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule";
const UR_INGEST_RESOURCE_PATH_REWRITE_RULE: &str = "ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION: &str = "ur_ingest_session";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_FS_PATH: &str = "ur_ingest_session_fs_path";
const UNIFORM_RESOURCE: &str = "uniform_resource";
const UNIFORM_RESOURCE_TRANSFORM: &str = "uniform_resource_transform";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_FS_PATH_ENTRY: &str = "ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_TASK: &str = "ur_ingest_session_task";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_IMAP_ACCOUNT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_imap_account";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_IMAP_ACCT_FOLDER: &str = "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_IMAP_ACCT_FOLDER_MESSAGE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCOUNT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_account";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_PROJECT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_PROJECT_ISSUE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_LABEL: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_MILESTONE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ACCT_RELATIONSHIP: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_USER: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_user";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_COMMENT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_comment";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_REACTION: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ISSUE_REACTION: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_PLM_ISSUE_TYPE: &str = "ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_ATTACHMENT: &str = "ur_ingest_session_attachment";
const UR_INGEST_SESSION_UDI_PGP_SQL: &str = "ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql";
const ORCHESTRATION_NATURE: &str = "orchestration_nature";
const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION: &str = "orchestration_session";
const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_ENTRY: &str = "orchestration_session_entry";
const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_STATE: &str = "orchestration_session_state";
const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_EXEC: &str = "orchestration_session_exec";
const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_ISSUE: &str = "orchestration_session_issue";
const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_ISSUE_RELATION: &str = "orchestration_session_issue_relation";
const ORCHESTRATION_SESSION_LOG: &str = "orchestration_session_log";
const UNIFORM_RESOURCE_GRAPH: &str = "uniform_resource_graph";
const UNIFORM_RESOURCE_EDGE: &str = "uniform_resource_edge";
const ASSURANCE_SCHEMA: &str = "assurance_schema";
const CODE_NOTEBOOK_KERNEL: &str = "code_notebook_kernel";
const CODE_NOTEBOOK_CELL: &str = "code_notebook_cell";
const CODE_NOTEBOOK_STATE: &str = "code_notebook_state";

// `party_type` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct PartyType {
    party_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type

// `party` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Party {
    party_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    party_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default
    party_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `party_relation_type` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct PartyRelationType {
    party_relation_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type

// `party_relation` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct PartyRelation {
    party_relation_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    related_party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    relation_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `gender_type` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct GenderType {
    gender_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type

// `sex_type` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct SexType {
    sex_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type

// `person_type` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct PersonType {
    person_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type

// `person` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Person {
    person_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    person_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default
    person_first_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    person_middle_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    person_last_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    previous_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    honorific_prefix: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    honorific_suffix: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    gender_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default
    sex_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `organization` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Organization {
    organization_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    alias: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    license: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    federal_tax_id_num: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    registration_date: chrono::NaiveDate, // Using chrono crate for 'date'
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `organization_role_type` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrganizationRoleType {
    organization_role_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default)
    code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    value: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type

// `organization_role` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrganizationRole {
    organization_role_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    person_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    organization_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    organization_role_type_id: String, // uknown type 'string::ulid', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `device` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Device {
    device_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    state: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    boundary: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    segmentation: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    state_sysinfo: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    behaviors: Vec<Behavior>, // `behavior` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_sessions: Vec<UrIngestSession>, // `ur_ingest_session` belongsTo collection
    uniform_resources: Vec<UniformResource>, // `uniform_resource` belongsTo collection
    orchestration_sessions: Vec<OrchestrationSession>, // `orchestration_session` belongsTo collection

// `device_party_relationship` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct DevicePartyRelationship {
    device_party_relationship_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    party_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `behavior` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Behavior {
    behavior_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    behavior_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    behavior_conf_json: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    assurance_schema_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_sessions: Vec<UrIngestSession>, // `ur_ingest_session` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestResourcePathMatchRule {
    ur_ingest_resource_path_match_rule_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    namespace: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    regex: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    flags: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    priority: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestResourcePathRewriteRule {
    ur_ingest_resource_path_rewrite_rule_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    namespace: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    regex: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    replace: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    priority: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSession {
    ur_ingest_session_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    behavior_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    behavior_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ingest_started_at: String, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    ingest_finished_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    session_agent: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_fs_paths: Vec<UrIngestSessionFsPath>, // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path` belongsTo collection
    uniform_resources: Vec<UniformResource>, // `uniform_resource` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entrys: Vec<UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry>, // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_imap_accounts: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAccount>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_account` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folders: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_messages: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_accounts: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAccount>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_account` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_projects: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sqls: Vec<UrIngestSessionUdiPgpSql>, // `ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_fs_path` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionFsPath {
    ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    root_path: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entrys: Vec<UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry>, // `ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry` belongsTo collection

// `uniform_resource` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UniformResource {
    uniform_resource_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_fs_path_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_issue_acct_project_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uri: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    content_digest: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type
    nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    size_bytes: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    last_modified_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    content_fm_body_attrs: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    frontmatter: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    uniform_resource_transforms: Vec<UniformResourceTransform>, // `uniform_resource_transform` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_attachments: Vec<UrIngestSessionAttachment>, // `ur_ingest_session_attachment` belongsTo collection
    uniform_resource_edges: Vec<UniformResourceEdge>, // `uniform_resource_edge` belongsTo collection

// `uniform_resource_transform` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UniformResourceTransform {
    uniform_resource_transform_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    uniform_resource_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uri: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    content_digest: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type
    nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    size_bytes: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionFsPathEntry {
    ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_fs_path_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    file_path_abs: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    file_path_rel_parent: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    file_path_rel: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    file_basename: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    file_extn: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    captured_executable: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_status: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_diagnostics: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_transformations: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_task` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionTask {
    ur_ingest_session_task_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    captured_executable: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_status: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_diagnostics: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_transformations: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_imap_account` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionImapAccount {
    ur_ingest_session_imap_account_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    email: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    password: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    host: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folders: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolder {
    ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_account_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    folder_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_messages: Vec<UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage>, // `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionImapAcctFolderMessage {
    ur_ingest_session_imap_acct_folder_message_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_imap_acct_folder_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    message: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    message_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    subject: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    from: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    cc: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    bcc: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    status: String, // uknown type 'array::string', mapping to String by default
    date: Option<chrono::NaiveDate>, // Using chrono crate for 'date'
    email_references: String, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_account` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAccount {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_account_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    provider: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    org_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_projects: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProject {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_account_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    parent_project_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    key: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_labels: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_milestones: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmMilestone>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationships: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ingest_session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    issue_number: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    parent_issue_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    title: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    body: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    body_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    body_html: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    assigned_to: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    user: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    closed_at: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    issue_type_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    time_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    aggregate_time_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    time_original_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    time_spent: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    aggregate_time_spent: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    aggregate_time_original_estimate: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    workratio: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    current_progress: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    total_progress: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    resolution_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    resolution_date: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_labels: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationships: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_comments: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmComment>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_comment` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reactions: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctLabel {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_label_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    label: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmMilestone {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_milestone_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    title: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    milestone_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    html_url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    open_issues: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    closed_issues: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    due_on: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    closed_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmAcctRelationship {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_relationship_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_prime: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id_related: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_prime: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id_related: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    relationship: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_user` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmUser {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    user_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    login: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    email: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection
    ur_ingest_session_plm_comments: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmComment>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_comment` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_comment` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmComment {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_comment_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    comment_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    node_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    body: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    body_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    body_html: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    user: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmReaction {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_reaction_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    reaction_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    reaction_type: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reactions: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmIssueReaction {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_reaction_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    ur_ingest_plm_reaction_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ur_ingest_plm_issue_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    count: i64, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionPlmIssueType {
    ur_ingest_session_plm_issue_type_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    avatar_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    description: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    icon_url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    subtask: bool, // 'boolean' maps directly to Rust type
    url: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issues: Vec<UrIngestSessionPlmAcctProjectIssue>, // `ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue` belongsTo collection

// `ur_ingest_session_attachment` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionAttachment {
    ur_ingest_session_attachment_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uri: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type
    nature: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    size: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    checksum: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UrIngestSessionUdiPgpSql {
    ur_ingest_session_udi_pgp_sql_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    sql: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    content: Option<Vec<u8>>, // 'blob' maps directly to Rust type
    behaviour: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    query_error: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uniform_resource_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_session_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type

// `orchestration_nature` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationNature {
    orchestration_nature_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    orchestration_sessions: Vec<OrchestrationSession>, // `orchestration_session` belongsTo collection

// `orchestration_session` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationSession {
    orchestration_session_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    device_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    orchestration_nature_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    version: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    orch_started_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    orch_finished_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    args_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    diagnostics_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    diagnostics_md: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    orchestration_session_entrys: Vec<OrchestrationSessionEntry>, // `orchestration_session_entry` belongsTo collection
    orchestration_session_states: Vec<OrchestrationSessionState>, // `orchestration_session_state` belongsTo collection
    orchestration_session_execs: Vec<OrchestrationSessionExec>, // `orchestration_session_exec` belongsTo collection
    orchestration_session_issues: Vec<OrchestrationSessionIssue>, // `orchestration_session_issue` belongsTo collection

// `orchestration_session_entry` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationSessionEntry {
    orchestration_session_entry_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_src: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    ingest_table_name: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    orchestration_session_states: Vec<OrchestrationSessionState>, // `orchestration_session_state` belongsTo collection
    orchestration_session_execs: Vec<OrchestrationSessionExec>, // `orchestration_session_exec` belongsTo collection
    orchestration_session_issues: Vec<OrchestrationSessionIssue>, // `orchestration_session_issue` belongsTo collection

// `orchestration_session_state` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationSessionState {
    orchestration_session_state_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    session_entry_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    from_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    to_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    transition_result: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    transition_reason: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    transitioned_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `orchestration_session_exec` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationSessionExec {
    orchestration_session_exec_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    exec_nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    session_entry_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    parent_exec_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    namespace: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    exec_identity: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    exec_code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    exec_status: i64, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    input_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    exec_error_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    output_text: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    output_nature: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    narrative_md: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `orchestration_session_issue` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationSessionIssue {
    orchestration_session_issue_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default)
    session_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    session_entry_id: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    issue_type: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    issue_message: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    issue_row: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    issue_column: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    invalid_value: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    remediation: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    orchestration_session_issue_relations: Vec<OrchestrationSessionIssueRelation>, // `orchestration_session_issue_relation` belongsTo collection

// `orchestration_session_issue_relation` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationSessionIssueRelation {
    orchestration_session_issue_relation_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default)
    issue_id_prime: String, // uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default
    issue_id_rel: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    relationship_nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `orchestration_session_log` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OrchestrationSessionLog {
    orchestration_session_log_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY (uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default)
    category: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    parent_exec_id: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::uuid', mapping to String by default
    content: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    sibling_order: Option<i64>, // 'integer' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `uniform_resource_graph` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UniformResourceGraph {
    name: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    uniform_resource_edges: Vec<UniformResourceEdge>, // `uniform_resource_edge` belongsTo collection

// `uniform_resource_edge` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct UniformResourceEdge {
    graph_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    nature: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    node_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    uniform_resource_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `assurance_schema` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct AssuranceSchema {
    assurance_schema_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    assurance_type: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    code_json: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `code_notebook_kernel` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct CodeNotebookKernel {
    code_notebook_kernel_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    kernel_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    mime_type: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    file_extn: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    code_notebook_cells: Vec<CodeNotebookCell>, // `code_notebook_cell` belongsTo collection

// `code_notebook_cell` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct CodeNotebookCell {
    code_notebook_cell_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    notebook_kernel_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    notebook_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    cell_name: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    cell_governance: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    interpretable_code: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    interpretable_code_hash: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    description: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    arguments: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default

// `code_notebook_state` table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct CodeNotebookState {
    code_notebook_state_id: String, // PRIMARY KEY ('string' maps directly to Rust type)
    code_notebook_cell_id: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    from_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    to_state: String, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    transition_result: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default
    transition_reason: Option<String>, // 'string' maps directly to Rust type
    transitioned_at: Option<String>, // uknown type 'TIMESTAMPTZ', mapping to String by default
    elaboration: Option<String>, // uknown type 'string::json', mapping to String by default