sqlpage_aide_navigation (table) Content

index.sql Home prime 1 index.sql Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)
console/index.sql RSSD Console prime index.sql 999 console/index.sql Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console Console Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files
console/info-schema/index.sql RSSD Information Schema prime console/index.sql 1 console/info-schema/index.sql Info Schema Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation
console/sqlpage-files/index.sql RSSD SQLPage Files prime console/index.sql 3 console/sqlpage-files/index.sql SQLPage Files Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI
console/sqlpage-files/content.sql RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files prime console/index.sql 3 console/sqlpage-files/content.sql Content SQLPage Files Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables
console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql RSSD SQLPage Navigation prime console/index.sql 3 console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql SQLPage Navigation See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table
console/notebooks/index.sql RSSD Code Notebooks prime console/index.sql 2 console/notebooks/index.sql Code Notebooks Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks
console/migrations/index.sql RSSD Lifecycle (migrations) prime console/index.sql 2 console/migrations/index.sql Migrations Explore RSSD Migrations to determine what was executed and not
console/about.sql Resource Surveillance Details prime console/index.sql 2 console/about.sql About Detailed information about the underlying surveilr binary
ur/index.sql Uniform Resource prime index.sql 1 ur/index.sql Explore ingested resources
ur/info-schema.sql Uniform Resource Tables and Views prime ur/index.sql 99 ur/info-schema.sql Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects
ur/uniform-resource-files.sql Uniform Resources (Files) prime ur/index.sql 1 ur/uniform-resource-files.sql Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table
ur/uniform-resource-imap-account.sql Uniform Resources (IMAP) prime ur/index.sql 1 ur/uniform-resource-imap-account.sql Easily access and view your emails with our Uniform Resource (IMAP) system. Ingested from various mail sources, this feature organizes and displays your messages directly in the Web UI, ensuring all your communications are available in one convenient place.
orchestration/index.sql Orchestration prime index.sql 1 orchestration/index.sql Explore details about all orchestration
orchestration/info-schema.sql Orchestration Tables and Views prime orchestration/index.sql 99 orchestration/info-schema.sql Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects
drh/index.sql DRH Edge UI Home prime index.sql 1 drh/index.sql Welcome to Diabetes Research Hub Edge UI
drh/researcher-related-data/index.sql Researcher And Associated Information prime drh/index.sql 4 drh/researcher-related-data/index.sql Researcher And Associated Information Researcher And Associated Information
drh/study/index.sql Study and Participant Information prime drh/index.sql 5 drh/study/index.sql Study and Participant Information Study and Participant Information
drh/study-related-data/index.sql Study and Participant Information prime drh/index.sql 5 drh/study-related-data/index.sql Study and Participant Information Study and Participant Information
drh/uniform-resource-participant.sql Uniform Resource Participant prime drh/index.sql 6 drh/uniform-resource-participant.sql Participant demographics with pagination
drh/author-pub-data/index.sql Author Publication Information prime drh/index.sql 7 drh/author-pub-data/index.sql Author Publication Information Author Publication Information
drh/deidentification-log/index.sql PHI DeIdentification Results prime drh/index.sql 8 drh/deidentification-log/index.sql PHI DeIdentification Results PHI DeIdentification Results
drh/cgm-combined-data/index.sql Combined CGM Tracing prime drh/index.sql 21 drh/cgm-combined-data/index.sql Combined CGM Tracing Combined CGM Tracing
drh/cgm-associated-data/index.sql CGM File MetaData Information prime drh/index.sql 9 drh/cgm-associated-data/index.sql CGM File MetaData Information CGM File MetaData Information
drh/cgm-data/index.sql Raw CGM Data prime drh/index.sql 10 drh/cgm-data/index.sql Raw CGM Data Raw CGM Data
drh/ingestion-log/index.sql Study Files prime drh/index.sql 11 drh/ingestion-log/index.sql Study Files Study Files
drh/participant-info/index.sql Participant Information prime drh/index.sql 20 drh/participant-info/index.sql Participant Information The Participants Detail page is a comprehensive report that includes glucose statistics, such as the Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP), Glycemia Risk Index (GRI), Daily Glucose Profile, and all other metrics data.
drh/study-participant-dashboard/index.sql Study Participant Dashboard prime drh/index.sql 12 drh/study-participant-dashboard/index.sql Study Participant Dashboard Study Participant Dashboard
drh/verification-validation-log/index.sql Verfication And Validation Results prime drh/index.sql 13 drh/verification-validation-log/index.sql Verfication And Validation Results Verfication And Validation Results
drh/participant-related-data/index.sql Participant Information prime drh/index.sql 19 drh/participant-related-data/index.sql Participant Information

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